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Learning with Lt – Online Platform learning

Over 500 interactive and fully customizable life science lessons for active learning, whether you’re teaching in the lab or remotely.

Customizable Life Science Labs and Lessons

Our high-quality life science labs and lessons streamline your courses. Science teachers can fully customize ready-made lessons on topics such as cellular biology, body systems, and pharmacology. Peer into the world of living things and analyze life cycles using yeast populations; cell structures via microscopy; and cellular respiration and photosynthesis in our Lt Biology Collection. For those interested in the human body, Lt’s Anatomy Collection is a complete curriculum which provides students with interactive system-based modules on topics ranging from the digestive system to the respiratory system. Our Animal Physiology Collection permits the study of both vertebrates and invertebrates, expanding the animal systems that students are exposed to. The Lt Chemistry Collection is a comprehensive set of introductory chemistry laboratory experiments.

Our science experiments are designed to suit various student needs, and include adaptations like optional extension activities. Our life science resources are highly interactive and include automatically-graded assessments. Get rid of old-fashioned paper worksheets and take your science class online!

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