
  1. Super High Volume
  2. 20Kg = 400Litres
  3. Autoclavable Bags
  4. Heat Sterilized & Screened
  5. Low Cost
  6. No Mycotoxins like Pine
  7. Can be used for Nesting
  8. Virtually Dust Free
  9. Dried to 8% Highly absorbent

Benefits of PuraFlake

  • Holds integrity through autoclaving so you can re-sterilise it if required
  • Aspen has natural antimicrobial properties (Omar et al. 2000)
  • Second only to Paper bedding in rate of absorption
  • Up to a three week change cycle
  • Sheds moisture to maintain drier bedding
  • Virtually dustfree
  • 4m x 4m horse stall only requires 4 bags of PuraFlake (Huge cost savings)
  • Aspen’s unique ability to shed moisture as well as absorb, allows it to have extended change cycles, over against any pine products.


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