Kymograph Apparatus – Sherrington Recording Drum

Kymograph Apparatus – Sherrington Recording Drum

Kymograph consisting of a revolving drum, bearing a kymograph paper on which a stylus moves up and down displaying the effects of the drugs on contractile tissues, is commonly used in experimental physiology and pharmacology laboratories in teaching institutions. Muscle or tissue movements are recorded on paper fixed on moving drum using recording lever. 

Sherrington’s Recording Drum (Digital Kymograph)


-Maintenance Free : Microprocessor controlled unit 

-16×2 LCD Display 

-Digital speed selection

-Highly accurate speeds -0.12, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 2.50 mm/sec

-Digital Timer & Time multiplier with Audio & Visual Alarm

-Very low power consumption

-Easy height adjustment of drum 

-Auto concentration response curve (CRC) mode & Normal mode

-Sturdy, corrosion resistant body

-Battery backup(optional)



Features : 


-Price lower than digital display Kymograph / Mechanical Drum

-Maintenance free : Microprocessor based system and no complicated gear system 

-Most suitable for under-graduate students

-Highly accurate speeds -0.12, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 2.50 mm/sec

-Extremely resistant to corrosion and leak proof design

-Very low power consumption

-Easy height adjustment of drum 

-Operated with stepper motor which is highly accurate and run by microprocessor 


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