Importance to Identify impurities in Water


Water is a basic ingredient in our daily life. Water is very important especially in the field of laboratory, scientific work, medicine and industry. However, there are several factors that cause a clean water supply to be used in the laboratory.

The first factor is to identify the purity of the water used or used in the laboratory. this is important because the purity of the water is able to give accurate reading results when testing is done. If the use of pure water does not meet the reading requirements it should have an impact on work performance.


It is estimated that 70% of issues with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) processes are directly attributable to water quality and water impurities.

In order to shorten the issue that interferes with the accuracy of water, it is required that every laboratory has a water purification system. Purite Analyst is one of the steps you need to get because it is able to produce Type II / Deionised Water and you can use that water for your daily use all the time in the laboratory.

Need more info about our Purite? Don’t wait any longer, contact us to help you decide which water system is right for you.